
Here is a wreath made out of clothespins where I have painted on window screen and put in the middle.

Here is a wreath out of clothespins that I made for the fourth of July. What do you think?

I like learning new crafts and in 2015 I started making mosaics from broken glass, tiles, etc. Here are a few that I have done recently. The large one is actually on three panes of glass, so it can be viewed from both sides.


The first picture I ever painted was in junior high. It was of Gentle Ben off the book cover. I had for a long time sat down and done pencil drawings of chairs, the refrigerator, just whatever was in front of me, but I had never tried to paint. The Gentle Ben painting wasn’t too bad for a first time and no training. I know I wish I still had the painting, but I don’t. In my late teens and early twenties I painted my own black light posters because I couldn’t afford to buy them. Usually the inspiration was from album covers, TV guide, just about anything that struck my fancy. One evening my house was broken into and robbed. All the black light posters were taken.

Wall Painting It was years before I picked up a paint brush again for anything but painting a room. Then in 2000 my mother died. When I came home from the funeral I spent a whole week painting a wall. It was a forest scene, with mountains and a stream. That stayed on the wall for five years. My husband kidded around with people and told them that when his wife wants an 8 x 10 canvas…she’s talking feet not inches! In 2005 my sister moved here and she had never painted. She and I spent a week changing the scene on the wall. Now it looks like this.

One day while watching DIY I saw a lady painting on window screen. I wish I could remember her name, but it’s been to long ago. Anyway…yep I had to try this. I discovered that the best way to paint on window screen is over a tall garbage can with a black bag in it. It’s a cheap canvas and some amazing affects at times. I’ve done several of them now, but my favorite is my version of a famous painting called “Ghost Rider”.




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