
I have taken to reading a very old book, the Bible. It had been awhile since I took it out of the bookcase. It must have been the right time though because The Lord has opened my eyes to see and my ears to hear! Reading chapter by chapter and studying verse by verse it truly comes alive! I have also found a church on Youtube that teaches that way. The Sugarland Bible Church in Sugarland, Texas. They are studying Genesis at the moment and I’m right there with them!

david baldacci

One of my favorite authors is David Baldacci. I have read almost all his books and am always eager for a new one to come out. I started out by reading “The Camel Club” with John Carr (Or Oliver Stone) and I was hooked. I love the characters and how he portrays them in his stories. Then he has the books with former secret agents Sean King and Michelle Maxwell. If you haven’t read any of his books, I suggest you give him a try!

Jennifer Ch

Because of my newly found interest in quilting, I started reading the Elm Creek series by Jennifer Chiaverini. They are truly fun to read. She delves into not only the history of her characters, but also the history of different quilt blocks.

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