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“They who can give up essential liberty
to obtain a little temporary safety
deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

Benjamin Franklin


In 2017 I became a widow. After 40 years of marriage...well, to say the least, it's different! I have spent the last four years learning who I am without a spouse. On the one hand, at times it's extremely lonely. On the other hand, I have rediscovered things I enjoy doing that I had stopped doing or had never done because of my spouse. Go figure! I like going to the movies, watch dirt car races, and have even been to a hockey game! I am continually learning who I am on my own. What an amazing adventure! And then you find out things you don't think about....ladies, how many of you have changed out windshield wipers? I hadn't! I had changed tires, replaced a starter, repaired a clutch, and a traded out a radiator. I had never changed out the windshield wipers. I guess I left the hard things for my I had to take a lawnmower so far apart that I finally told it I had gotten far more intimate with it than I had anticipated! When it was done and all back together...I pulled the rope and it started!!!! I don't know who was more or the mower!