Posted in Daily Prompt


communityCA My ideal community would be what we have already. It’s organized as we choose as residents. Some of us live in high rise buildings overlooking the community, some live in large houses, some live in small houses. Some have large yards full of vegetable and flower gardens, some have very little yard because they don’t like the outdoors. Our life structure, like everything else, is what we choose as adults. We don’t have to be the same or agree about things. We just need to accept and appreciate our differences.  It is because of the diversity that we learn and grow.  If we change that fact, we whither like a flower with no sun.


In 2017 I became a widow. After 40 years of marriage...well, to say the least, it's different! I have spent the last four years learning who I am without a spouse. On the one hand, at times it's extremely lonely. On the other hand, I have rediscovered things I enjoy doing that I had stopped doing or had never done because of my spouse. Go figure! I like going to the movies, watch dirt car races, and have even been to a hockey game! I am continually learning who I am on my own. What an amazing adventure! And then you find out things you don't think about....ladies, how many of you have changed out windshield wipers? I hadn't! I had changed tires, replaced a starter, repaired a clutch, and a traded out a radiator. I had never changed out the windshield wipers. I guess I left the hard things for my I had to take a lawnmower so far apart that I finally told it I had gotten far more intimate with it than I had anticipated! When it was done and all back together...I pulled the rope and it started!!!! I don't know who was more or the mower!